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Anxiety – or how it is all just “in your head”

Anxiety and I go way back. Probably since childhood. I cannot remember a time when it was not there in one form or another. Sure, some might say, anxiety is something we all face. It is a normal response to

therapyeating disorderssleeping disordersaddictionsanxietymindfulnessbreathingself-carestress

Mindfulness and its benefits

Bigstock James Baraz, author and meditation instructor, said of mindfulness that "it means simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were otherwise, enjoying the things you like without attaching to them when the situation changes

stresstherapytraumabipolar disorderPTSDinformative articledepressionmedicationself-care

Bipolar disorder: everything you need to know

What is bipolar disorder How common is it? What causes it and who can develop it? Symptoms: how can I tell if I might have bipolar disorder? Treatment: how is bipolar disorder treated What should I do if I have symptoms? Life with a diagnosis and self-help Guide for loved ones: what to