MHR Art Contest
Here you can view all the winning entries from the 3 editions of the MHR Creative Competition. The competition encourages the expression of emotions and experiences with mental health through art, bringing more understanding to the subject.

The snail covered his eyes well with wax
Finding their source of inspiration in other forms of creation (cinematography, respectively literature), the works "Nostalgia" and "The snail closed its eyes well with wax" were articulated around a theme of identity. Personal experiences and feelings are reflected in the characters depicted in the two works. Loneliness becomes a leitmotif…
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When you think you're at the end of your strength, an event will come your way, a problem that will squeeze out even more of the strength you thought you no longer had.
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“To become a post horse”
The work is part of a series of works that continue from an ideational point of view my undergraduate thesis, "The sayings", which illustrates several sayings through which we can see the way of thinking of the Romanian society. "To become a post horse" translates to working non-stop. In addition…
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Finding their source of inspiration in other forms of creation (cinematography, respectively literature), the works "Nostalgia" and "The snail closed its eyes well with wax" were articulated around a theme of identity. Personal experiences and feelings are reflected in the characters depicted in the two works. Loneliness becomes a leitmotif for my creation, which I approach from multiple perspectives, exploring various instantiations of loneliness, associated with different ages and affective states. "Nostalgia" follows the sequenced thread of introspection-sleep-dream-death and wants to stimulate the manifestation of empathy in the viewers and create an intimate space of personal reflection.
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the burden
The work describes the moment when you think “should I tell them how I feel? No, because this person has their own difficulties. "Why bother them with my problems?". I experienced this feeling very often and I ended up in the situation where I exploded and had to think first about myself and what is best for me.
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Steps to authenticity
Most of us are educated by our parents and society to behave "properly", to fit in, to be "normal". To not cry if we are men, to always be obedient and delicate in public if we are women. The fear is subtly transmitted to us that we will lose the…
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A collection of beautiful anxieties
The present booklet is an attempt to accept and love myself. It's about a period when I became so alienated from myself, that I forgot that life is also about beauty. Drawing was the only method I found to stay here. I thought that if I gave shape to the…
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Embracing my inner child
This illustration was made for me, for the moments when I didn't know how to love myself and how to take care of myself. I drew it to remind myself that I am worthy of love and that when I can't find arms to receive me, mine will always be open for me. I wish from the bottom of my heart that we all manage to embrace the child within us.
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Thought Vomit
Overthinking and self-sabotage are among the main things I've been dealing with for years. "Thought Vomit" is not about removing intrusive thoughts or repressing them, but about becoming aware of them and identifying their source: maybe when you were a child someone told you something that you internalized and that later…
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The present illustration was designed following the emergence of the new wave of aggression against people of the LGBTQIA+ community. Violence, be it in any form, must be fought. But, in the search for justice, we must not lose sight of the healing of the wounds that end up grinding…
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Here I tried a new style of illustration, thanks to the photoshop smudge, and I wanted to somehow convey the feeling of loneliness that we feel even if we are surrounded by people in exactly the same situation as us.
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I think the title is quite self-explanatory, but the entry of the brain into overdrive, is (for me at least) the most powerful catalyst that brings out apathy, suicidal ideation, and all the other good stuff.
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The collage tries to present the inner world of a person with schizophrenia and at the same time certain external/internal hallucinations, delusions, or experiences. At the same time, I wanted to exemplify through metaphorical images and a blurry background how much alienation such a person can feel from the surrounding world.
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Shower thoughts
The drawing is about my declining mental health when I was living in an unknown city alone, and specifically about the toll tinitus had on me.
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The best child
"You were such a good child" says my mother when she remembers me, since I was little. Yes, I was good, afraid that my mother would scold me, who was coming home from work angry; I was eating everything from my plate, cleaning my desk, even wiping my vomit off the…
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The work "Sinking" is about the moment when you feel that you are sinking and you only see down. You get lost among people and faces and it squeezes you on the inside. And all you want to do is dive deeper.
It is made in acrylic and ink, on canvas, 40x40 cm.

The "Identity" project consists of three canvas representations of responses to trauma (fight, flight, freeze), each canvas being assigned a real character, currently stuck in that type of response, selected through an interview stage. This project is the way I chose to make visible the stories of these brave people,…
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I am trapped
The work "I am trapped" reveals the feelings of a person gripped by depression. Focusing on my own experiences in life where I got "caught" in the webs of monstrous depression, the image appears in the form of a young man, emaciated and drained of strength, of hardships and sorrows.…
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Care for mind
The work "Care for mind" illustrates man trying to overcome the multitude of anxieties in everyday life, by practicing a yoga position, child pose. Practicing this technique, the body and mind relax, ensuring a harmonious development. Therefore, the work represents an incentive to take care of your mental health.
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The Awakened Woman and the Union
Awakened Woman - Rediscovering and integrating a feminine side that carries ancient wisdom.
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