followers on social media
students at our mental health workshops
professionals on the MHR Map of Mental Health Professionals
Today’s reading
This is one of the winning entries in our mental health design competition. To see the rest of the winning illustrations, photos, poems or prose, visit our online gallery.
Azi e despre tine
te-am găsit cu ruine pe obraz
și cu văpaia din suflet mocnind,
am vrut să-ți dau măcar răgaz
să nu te mai aud un ceas icnind,
căci pe tot ceea ce pui tu mîna
se rupe voios în țăndări de fier,
apoi nu mai ai nici tu măcar vîna
să mă lași să țip, să strig și să zbier.……
Mental Health for Romania @ AccessABILITY Expo 2024
On September 27-29, we are waiting for you at the National Library, at the largest exhibition dedicated to people with disabilities. How much do you know about the impact of disabilities on mental health? Test your knowledge by taking this quiz and come to our stand to find out how we support people with disabilities.
Red Flags ale specialiștilor în sănătate mintală
Invited to the Economic Forum in Karpacz
From September 3-5 we were honored to participate in a panel on mental health within the Karpacz Economic Forum. The other panelists were representatives of 4 foundations and associations from Poland and the UK, as well as a former minister of health from Poland. The discussion focused on post-pandemic EU, government and NGO initiatives to promote the importance of mental health and combat social isolation.
The MHR Store
By purchasing one of our products, you can also become a supporter of mental health in Romania and help us to further our mission.
In the media
Parliamo di salute mentale con “Mental Health for Romania”
Many of us have become used to freely talking about our mental health and to treat it with the importance it deserves, however, in many countries the situation is different. This is the case of Romania, where the association “Mental Health for Romania” is working hard to destigmatize mental health.
Știri ONG
Mental Health for Romania provides a Map of Professionals in Romanian and English
The aim of this project is to educate and inform the public about mental health issues and increase access to quality services for as many people as possible, especially young people.
The online platform was recelntly upgraded. It currently includes 260 psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors and speech therapists, but the end goal is to include all professionals in the field in the country.