
Maria Pascale


Maria studied physics at Cambridge, and then continued with a master’s in neuroscience at University College London. Becoming more aware of the lack of dialogue about mental health in Romania during her undergraduate abroad, she founded the NGO hoping to contribute to creating an environment that is more open to accepting and solving mental health issues.

Dan Mirea

Project Coordinator

Dan graduated from Cambridge, then worked for almost 2 years in psychiatric research, and is now a Ph.D. student in psychology and neuroscience at Princeton. Through his activity, Dan wishes to help people better understand their own mental health and have better access to sources of help, while addressing the shortcomings in the field of mental health research in Romania.

Ioana Tonceanu

Outreach coordinator

Ioana graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in Psychology and went on to complete an Erasmus Mundus master’s in educational policies, which enables her to investigate the effectiveness and relevance of socio-emotional interventions in schools. She joined the team to promote mental health and the use of scientifically validated methods for cultivating self-regulation.

Lavinia Micu

PR coordinator

Lavinia is a graduate of the Faculty of Sociology, holds a master’s degree in Opinion Polls, Marketing, and Advertising and currently works in the field of market research. She believes that her academic and professional background gives her valuable skills in analysis, communication and understanding of human behavior, which she wants to use to promote mental health.

Ioana Nicolae

Service Mapping Coordinator

Ioana graduated in Psychology at the University of Bucharest, and is now pursuing a Master’s degree in Health Psychology, starting a CBT training. She currently works in the educational field and volunteers in causes related to her professional interests. She joined the team wanting to support her community and promote the evidence-based approach in applied psychology.

Denisa Savastin

Support Group Coordinator

Denisa is a student in the 11th grade at the Jacques M. Elias Technological High School in Sascut and is majoring in Economics. She is passionate about reading, writing, and photography. She joined the Mental Health for Romania team because she likes helping those around her and learning new things about everything mental health related.

Larisa Dinu


Larisa completed a BSc in Psychology, and a Master’s in Psychiatric Research at King’s College London, and is now doing her PhD in psychology and neuroscience at King’s College London and University College London. She wishes to contribute to a better understanding of mental health difficulties and take an active role in developing psychological research in Romania.

Teodora Neagoe


Teodora is a senior at ”Gheorghe Lazăr” National College in Bucharest, currently preparing to study in the field of psychology and cognitive sciences. She stays curious about the human mind and behaviour, being actively engaged in the Mental Health for Romania project, as she wishes to bring the subject of mental health and its importance closer to people.

Diana Iorga


Diana studies medicine at Transilvania University in Brașov, being fascinated by the way both the body and the human mind work. She joined the Mental Health for Romania team with the desire to remove the stigma surrounding the concept of mental health. Through her work in schools, she wants to help students understand what mental health is, and how important it is.

Alessia Achim


Alessia is currently an architecture student at UIC Barcelona. She joined the initiative because, having lived with eating disorders and depression, she wanted to directly raise awareness of mental health issues and the support available in Romania. She has a passion for helping people and does her best so that everyone feels safe with her.

Andrei Stamate


Andrei studies communication and public relations at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication at the University of Bucharest and spends most of his free time cultivating his interest in graphic design. He joined the NGO as he wants to help build up this community in which people can talk freely about their problems.

Every year, we welcome new volunteers to our team! Follow us on social media to find out when the next recruitment period begins.