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bulimiapersonal storytherapyeating disordersanorexia

How eating disorders stole my adolescence

It's well known that the teenage years, when we all 'blossom' and try to discover our qualities and who we really are, can come with certain challenges. It's a time when we develop both mentally and physically, making certain decisions that seem normal but can end up scarring us for life

eating disordersanorexiainformative articlebulimiamedicationtherapy

Eating disorders: a brief introduction

Contents: What are eating disorders? Eating disorders are medical conditions that manifest as altered eating behavior, such as overeating or under-eating, usually accompanied by negative self-image and obsessive thoughts about your body or weight. NB: eating disorders are often extremely serious and can be life-threatening. They are NOT a personal lifestyle choice. Educating yourself can ...

therapybipolar disorderaddictionsanorexiaanxietyautismborderlinedepressionschizophrenia

Mental disorders in art

This article addresses the link between art (mainly fine arts), artists and mental health. Both art therapy and what patients in psychiatric hospitals have been able to create and how they have contributed to a new movement are discussed.