
Our podcast brings varied discussions about mental health as interviews with specialists or personal stories.

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Talking to a psychologist

“Talking to a psychologist” is an informative but warm episode about the psychologist profession and what it entails. Larisa Dinu and Rodica Afrăsinei are graduates of the faculty of psychology, who chose different specializations. Larisa is a researcher in the field, and Rodica Afrăsinei is a personal development counsellor.

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The burnout phenomenon

The phenomenon of burnout is a topic of interest nowadays, when its occurrence and maintenance are influenced by organizational environments and individual vulnerabilities. Larisa Dinu, research assistant in the field of psychiatry, together with Rodica Afrăsinei, personal development counsellor, discuss this phenomenon and answer the questions received from you on Instagram.

Burnout Prevalence Study (2010) | Norlund et al. Burnout, working conditions and gender – results from the northern Sweden MONICA Study, BMC Public Health | EN

Systematic Review (2017) | Salvagioni et al. Physical, psychological and occupational consequences of job burnout: A systematic review of prospective studies, PLoS One, 12(10) | EN

Report commissioned by the European Union on costs: Matrix (2013) | Economic analysis of workplace mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention programmes and of their potential contribution to EU health, social and economic policy objectives | EN

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Lessons from 2020 about mental health

2020 was a difficult year that we will remember for a long time to come. In 2020 we spent more time alone, learned that not all things are in our control and started to be even more grateful for what we have. In this episode, research assistant Larisa Dinu recaps the events of the past year, identifies two important lessons from 2020 and proposes ideas for a better 2021.

Nature Therapy Review (2018) | Frontiers in Psychology | EN

Loneliness during the Pandemic Study (2020) | PLOS ONE | EN

Article on COVID-19 and Mental Health (2020) | Mental Health for Romania | RO

Atomic Habits Book | James Clear | Elefant.ro | RO

Guide to free or low-cost psychological services | Mental Health for Romania | RO

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