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Books you can read to better understand mental illness
After the article on series dealing with mental health, I continue the series of representations of mental illness in art with the form I appreciate most - writing. Books that contain characters or stories that we identify with can make us accept and understand ourselves

MHR art contest ● medication ● schizophrenia
“Pascu Paraschiva is killing me!”
If her aunt was in a good mood, Aura would sometimes let her sit with her in her parents' bedroom and watch a movie or TV show together. Her small, child's body lay sprawled on the bed, propped up by a pile of large, firm pillows stuffed with goose feathers

anorexia ● anxiety ● autism ● borderline ● depression ● schizophrenia ● therapy ● bipolar disorder ● addictions
Mental disorders in art
This article addresses the link between art (mainly fine arts), artists and mental health. Both art therapy and what patients in psychiatric hospitals have been able to create and how they have contributed to a new movement are discussed.