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Cântar pe care e scris "fericire" în dreptul greutății de 50-70 kg

bulimiapersonal storyrelationshipsself-carestresseating disorders

The obsession with the perfect body. From dieting to bulimia.

In hindsight, I was never a child with weight problems. I started becoming aware of my body in primary school, around 7-8 years old. When puberty kicked in and my boobs started to grow, I really went crazy

PTSDanxietyborderlinepersonal storyrelationshipstherapytraumapersonality disorders

Borderline – with one foot always at war

Manipulators. Chaotic. Unstable. Irrational. Hypersensitive. Extreme. Toxic. This is what they call us. People think we're unlovable. They're trying to stay away from us so we don't destroy them, so we don't push them out of their comfort zone

anxietydepressionrelationshipsstresstherapysexual and domestic violence

Another kind of toxic relationships

"Even if it's difficult to resist parental pressure, lack (or excess!) of affection and the inability to bond with your parents, it's important not to get caught in the middle!" When the term 'toxic relationship' is mentioned, there's a tendency to think of misunderstandings