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phobiaspersonal storystresstherapysexual and domestic violencePTSDaddictionsanxietydepression

What happens once you’ve asked a social service organization for help?

Most cases of domestic violence, be it physical or psychological, are due to the perpetrator being confronted with violence since childhood, implicitly learning that violence is the way to deal with conflict. Also, contextual factors such as anger

self-carestresstherapyanxietypersonal storyrelationships

Anxiety – or how it is all just “in your head”

Anxiety and I go way back. Probably since childhood. I cannot remember a time when it was not there in one form or another. Sure, some might say, anxiety is something we all face. It is a normal response to

personality disordersself harmdepressionpersonal storytherapytraumabipolar disorder

Me and mental disorders: a story about stigma, diagnosis and recovery

I've been hearing pretty much all my 20-something life "think positive" or "stop thinking negative" or "if you think negative that's all you'll attract". Sure, it's easy enough for a "normal" person to push away less pleasant thoughts, but what about someone who tries and tries again and again and fails? Who fails to be "positive" like "the others". These two words have been foreign to me for a long time now.