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Borderline – cu un picior mereu la război

Manipulatori. Haotici. Instabili. Iraționali. Hipersensibili. Extremi. Toxici. Așa ni se spune. Oamenii cred că suntem de neiubit. Încearcă să stea departe de noi ca să nu îi distrugem, ca nu cumva să-i scoatem afară din zona de confort

eating disordersanorexiabulimiapersonal storytherapy

How eating disorders stole my adolescence

It's well known that the teenage years, when we all 'blossom' and try to discover our qualities and who we really are, can come with certain challenges. It's a time when we develop both mentally and physically, making certain decisions that seem normal but can end up scarring us for life

mindfulnesspersonal storytherapy

Online therapy in pandemic times

How did the therapeutic process and the intimacy between patient and psychologist change during the pandemic? During the pandemic, therapists moved all office sessions online, on Skype or WhatsApp Video. So patients either continued with online sessions or dropped out. We asked psychologists how intimacy changes in