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Books you can read to better understand mental illness

After the article on series dealing with mental health, I continue the series of representations of mental illness in art with the form I appreciate most - writing. Books that contain characters or stories that we identify with can make us accept and understand ourselves

therapybipolar disorderpersonality disordersPTSDautismborderlinedepressionrelationshipsreviews

3 Netflix shows you can watch to better understand mental illness

After my first time in the psychiatric hospital, I was always curious to know and understand as much as possible about what it means to have and live with a mental illness, to see other people or characters who are going or have gone through something similar, to

personality disordersself harmdepressionpersonal storytherapytraumabipolar disorder

Me and mental disorders: a story about stigma, diagnosis and recovery

I've been hearing pretty much all my 20-something life "think positive" or "stop thinking negative" or "if you think negative that's all you'll attract". Sure, it's easy enough for a "normal" person to push away less pleasant thoughts, but what about someone who tries and tries again and again and fails? Who fails to be "positive" like "the others". These two words have been foreign to me for a long time now.