A soul’s testimony

Alright, so, the whole thing, and the planning, began literally years ago, but I guess he never had the courage to go through with it until now.

I was free at the time, I was able to intervene when he needed me, I foiled an earlier plan of his for example, but I guess he never learned his lesson.

Anyway, back to the series of events that led up to this. At the beginning of the last year I believe, he wanted to do more for the people around him, because as I pointed out to him, it really helped us feel better.


Ledul roșu din sufragerie se mărea cu fiecare licărire a ochiului meu,
când plângeam era ca o cascadă curgătoare, care revenea la forma inițială după furtună.
Vremea rea din mine începuse să-mi învinețească degetele,
iar buzele mi se umflaseră de la veninul băut din paharul ursitoarei.


I am but a simple observer of the misery inside these flesh
And as this rotting erodes
As this pain screams in deafness
As these emerging tragedies define who I am
As this eternal scream of unset shows me the truth
I lay naked in voids and vomit
I lay naked in humiliation