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ADHDdepressionlearning difficultiesmedicationpersonal storystresstherapy

Attention to inattention, and how I found out about ADHD

Attention to inattention, an advice heard since elementary school, but which I would never have put down to a developmental atypicality - a phrase that intimidates and prevents the acceptance of an obvious reality: at least 1 in 10 people is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ADHD, formerly publicized by American society as

PTSDaddictionsanxietydepressionphobiaspersonal storystresstherapysexual and domestic violence

What happens once you’ve asked a social service organization for help?

Most cases of domestic violence, be it physical or psychological, are due to the perpetrator being confronted with violence since childhood, implicitly learning that violence is the way to deal with conflict. Also, contextual factors such as anger

anxietydepressionrelationshipsstresstherapysexual and domestic violence

Another kind of toxic relationships

"Even if it's difficult to resist parental pressure, lack (or excess!) of affection and the inability to bond with your parents, it's important not to get caught in the middle!" When the term 'toxic relationship' is mentioned, there's a tendency to think of misunderstandings