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3 Netflix shows you can watch to better understand mental illness
After my first time in the psychiatric hospital, I was always curious to know and understand as much as possible about what it means to have and live with a mental illness, to see other people or characters who are going or have gone through something similar, to

autism ● depression ● psychotic disorders ● ADHD ● anxiety ● informative article
Autism and mental health disorders accompanying autism in adults
What are spectrum disorders? Autism and spectrum disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by difficulties with communication, social interaction and repetitive behaviours or interests. The disorders that fall on the autism spectrum are autism, Asperger syndrome and atypical autism

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Mental disorders in art
This article addresses the link between art (mainly fine arts), artists and mental health. Both art therapy and what patients in psychiatric hospitals have been able to create and how they have contributed to a new movement are discussed.