Services for students
Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Free psychological counseling for UPB students
Services include psychological tests and questionnaires, individual and group work sessions
The University of Bucharest
Psychological counseling for overcoming problematic situations that can affect the student experience throughout its entire course:
- overcoming emotional difficulties
- support for self-knowledge
- assessment of professional values, interests and skills
- stress management during exam periods
Schedule by filling in the form
Babeș Bolyai PsyTech University Psychology Clinic
- cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy
- couple, family and group psychotherapy
- robotics and virtual reality therapy
- clinical assessment
- psychological counseling and career guidance
Free services for UBB students and employees, in person or online.
UMF Iuliu Hațieganu Cluj-Napoca
Psychological counseling and career guidance center for students, resident doctors + other young people
Principal Psychologist Dr. Codruța Popescu
Psychologist Maria Giurgean
The services can be accessed free of charge by email appointment.
Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj
Personal optimization services
Psychological counseling (individual and group)
Psychoeducational assistance
Vocational counseling
Services are FREE for UBB students
“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iași
Free counseling for students from all years and from all faculties for difficulties they encounter in student life or personal life
Free psychological counseling for UAIC students and employees
Registration by form
Society of Medical Students Iași
Psychological counseling / individual psychotherapy
Individual career counseling and guidance
Psychological assessment by means of the CAS++ test battery
Psych. Ioana Monica Ciolan
Psych. Corina Dondaș
Schedule by email, sms or phone
Monday – Friday (08:00 – 16:00) – flexible
Polytechnic University of Timișoara
Psychological counseling sessions and emotional support
West University of Timişoara
Free screening for the need for psychological counseling
Appointments by e-mail
Monday – Friday (08:00 – 16:00)