
Map of Romanian Mental Health Professionals

Through our map, we hope to make the process of finding a therapist more accessible for everyone! The platform includes multiple interactive filters, such as filters for:

  • discounted and free-of-charge services
  • experience with and openness towards the LGBT community
  • experience with different conditions and vulnerable groups
  • online and telephone services

Let’s talk about mental health in schools!

In the fall of 2021, we started the “Let’s bring mental health to schools” project, in which Mental Health for Romania volunteers hold workshops on mental health in high schools all over the country.

The workshops, which were developed by researchers in psychology & psychiatry, teach students how to identify the most common mental health conditions, where and how they can seek help, and how they can support their peers.

Afterwards, psychologists or school counselors who attend the workshops can take the materials and hold these workshops in their high school.

Discord server

Join our Discord community

  • over 1500 members
  • channels for individual mental illnesses
  • anonymous submissions
  • channels for games & debates
  • social night every 2 weeks

MHR Art Contest

Art is often praised for the way in which it makes us channel emotions that would be otherwise difficult to express. We believe that any form of art that is related to mental health can help us better understand the experiences of people living with mental health conditions while raising awareness in the process.

For this reason, in 2020 we launched the Mental Health for Romania Art Contest, for which we have so far received over 500 submissions.

Blog & Podcast

We try to offer a wide range of articles and podcasts – with informative content, interview-style, personal stories, or reviews of mental health-themed films and books.

Do you have a story that you’d like to share through our blog or podcast?


We want to better understand the struggles people in Romania face in terms of mental health, their attitudes towards mental health, as well as how prepared the Romanian mental healthcare system is.

We are getting at these questions in 2 ways: by searching the literature and analysing existing data, as well as carrying out our own studies. In 2021, we carried out our first study focused on the mental health of students, with 1300 participants from throughout the country.

The purpose of this research is to inform not only ourselves (in order to improve our work), but also our followers and the larger community.

LGBT Projects

Through our projects, we want to help LGBTQ+ people find the right professional, share mental health information and personal stories specifically for queer people, and create a safe space and community where queer people can express themselves freely.

Our collaborations

Over time we have managed to have wonderful collaborations with other organisations and join forces to inform and improve young people’s access to professional services.