Mental health was, for a long time, a taboo subject, as people considered that disorders in its sphere represented a divine choice or a punishment, resulting in social isolation. In this podcast episode, we explore the progression of views on mental health, from ancient theories to the conditions in asylums, psychoanalysis and current treatment options.
Our podcast brings varied discussions about mental health as interviews with specialists or personal stories.
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medication ● therapy
A brief history of mental health
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self-care ● stress ● personal story ● relationships
Irina (Coffentropy) – social media, mental health
Social media platforms have become ubiquitous in our lives, and whether we realize it or not, we are all exposed to various types of content every time we access such a platform. In today’s episode, Larisa talks to Irina Rusu, known online as “Coffentropy”.
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personal story ● relationships ● self-care ● stress
Cristina Frei (art, social media, mental health)
In this month’s episode, we meet the perspective of an influencer, through the lens of their career as an illustrator. Rodica talks to the content creator Cristina Frei about the challenges and joys of the life of a designer, juggling between the role of a young mother, wife, woman and campaigner for time spent authentically in relationship with loved ones and with oneself.
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