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MHR art contestpersonal storysleeping disorders

2 am

it’s two in the morning. you’re crying. why are you crying? you’re fine. are you though? your head hurts, your hand itches for your phone, this surely is something serious, you’re dying, there’s rot in your head, in your bones, in your chest. you’re dying. you’re dying and no one believes you and you’ve told ...

stresssleeping disorderspersonal story

Perfectionism or fear of failure – from obsession to balance

The cruel moment of truth: the display of the results... I was getting very close to the list of scores, afraid that the result would not be the one I wanted. If there was a high score or even a prize, it was good news, all good. If it was below expectations, then it wasn't bad news; it was a catastrophe

eating disorderssleeping disordersaddictionsanxietymindfulnessbreathingself-carestresstherapy

Mindfulness and its benefits

Bigstock James Baraz, author and meditation instructor, said of mindfulness that "it means simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were otherwise, enjoying the things you like without attaching to them when the situation changes